Monday, February 25, 2008


Spring fever has hit me. Maybe it was being confined to the house for two weeks with illness, maybe it was the sun shining brightly yesterday, maybe it was the snow that sat in utter stillness on the branches of the holly bush for a day. Whatever the reason I have have begun waiting anxiously for crocuses popping their heads out of the winter-weary grass, for daffodils pointing their cups heavenward, tiny little suns looking at the source of their life, for fat robins bouncing along the ground.

And not just the weather change that comes with spring, but I am hungry for a spring in my own life. A renewal, a rebirth, a redefinition of purpose in this new place. A place to call our own with yellow walls and places to put our stuff, with the stability to dream and to work and to change the four walls surrounding our family. I am ready to direct this springtime energy into something life-giving. But what, what is my purpose here in this place?

It was easy when I was working for someone other than my family and my God to define a purpose. That purpose was laid out in my job description and by way of performance reviews I also knew how I was doing in accomplishing that purpose. I am finding it much more difficult to give my purpose words when I stay home and take care of husband, child, and home without the people-connection in our neighborhood and church to know where I fit.

I understand that the Westminster Confession states that a person's purpose is to "Know God and enjoy Him forever." It seems so simple and so basic--know and enjoy God. It seems so freeing--no list of shoulds and shouldn'ts just know and enjoy God. And somehow I feel dubious, like it is too easy and too simple. Somewhere I grew accustomed and comfortable and safe with the lists.

I am curious though. I wonder how does knowing and enjoying God fall into changing diapers and doing dishes and cleaning toilets? What do you think? How do you bring the blessedness and glory of God to bear on the mundane chores of the everyday?

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