Saturday, March 29, 2008


Before bed we pray. And as she becomes more and more herself, sometimes we have to stop to pray during the day. Actually I have to stop to pray during the day. God, please help me!

Abigail has picked this up. The other night after we all said "Amen," she realized she had some additions.

Tank God chickens.
Tank God bed.
Tank God mommy.

Last night on the way home from dinner, she got sick in the van. Pray, Mommy. (I interpret this as pray as play sounds very much the same. Praying for a sick stomach made more sense.)

Jesus. . .Jesus,
Please. . .Pwees
help. . .hewp
Abby. . .Abby
feel. . .feel
better. . .feel better.

And this afternoon before laying down for her nap, Pray, Mommy.

Jesus. . .Jesus
Thank. . .Tank
You. . .Oou
for. . .for
naps. . .naps.
Please. . .Pwees
help. . .hewp
Abby. . .Abby
sleep. . .sweep.
Amen. . .Amen

And now my own--
Jesus, please help Abby to learn that prayer is talking to you sincerely and not trying to get out of sleeping or riding in the car. Help me know when she is using prayer to get her way and when she is really wanting to pray. Help me to teach her about prayer.


  1. This is a tough one for us, Hunter doesn't want to pray. But I'm going to keep trying! Gwen is great at it, I don't even ask anymore, and she throws things in there I wouldn't have thought of. Prayer is a wonderful thing :)

  2. What a cute picture. And what a lovely post. I loved your prayer at the end. Precious.
