Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Stuff

This year I want to keep trying new things. I find that I like trying something new. It makes me feel alive and fresh and new. It brings me joy. So each week I want to try a new recipe or pattern or author. Just something I haven't tried.

This week it was yogurt. I tried to make homemade yogurt in my slow cooker. No, ladies, I did not just make the recipe up. I found it here. I had read in a magazine at my parent's house that it was possible with a stove, a cooler, and warm water. But that was three things I needed and it all needed monitoring! Slow cooker yogurt was the way for me to go.

It is actually very simple--if you read all the directions. Not quite a flop, my yogurt turned out more like buttermilk than yogurt. I forgot the comment that ultra-pasteurized milk would not work and used said milk. Currently some of the yogurt is being strained with the hope that it will reach the correct consistency. I used it in place of milk on my oatmeal and it was yummy with the honey and fruit and nuts. I will probably make many, many buttermilk pancakes tomorrow.

Does anyone have any other uses for buttermilk, preferably ones that can be frozen?


  1. Hi! The brownie recipe that I make that Chris loves uses buttermilk. The brownies would freeze (if they make it to the freezer!!). If you'd like the recipe, let me know and I'll email it to you. If you don't have my email, just post a comment on your blog and I'll try to remember to look there! Have a great day
    Oh, I know that lots of people coat their chicken in buttermilk and then the crumbs before frying it! Just a southern thought for you!

  2. I have a wonderful chocolate chip scone recipe if you would like it. Let me know!!!
