Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Here I thought I would be more consistent. Alas, it was not to be.

The sun is out today. The weather is warm. We went to the park with some friends. Abigail is still napping. How fun to think that park weather may be back for good (or at least the next few months.)

I always have such a difficult time knowing how to spend this time.
  • blogging, emailing, catching up with the news, computer stuff
  • cleaning, picking, up, chores
  • laundry folding, tv viewing
  • dog training
  • et cetera
No matter what I choose, I always seem to feel guilty when Abigail wakes up. Part of the bad mother guilt, I fight with daily.

You are the God of all time. You know every moment I have and You know how I spend them. Forgive me for the ways I fall short of Your time management design for me. Teach me to use the time You've given me in ways that glorify You and that serve my family. Let me then live in Your truth apart from the lie that everything must be done perfectly and that everyone must be happy with my performance. I don't want to fall into the performance trap believing that I am a bad mother, a mediocre wife, and a poor believer. I want to enjoy the time You have given me.

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