Monday, February 15, 2010


holy experience

71. Little boys mobile
72. Sweet hesitant steps
73. Big smiles for Mama

74. Her face in the morning
75. And in the evening
76. And when sleeping

77. His heart
78. Love that makes me strong
79. His commitment to doing things well

80. Fitting into pre-Simon pants
81. Short grocery lists
82. Beautiful magazines

83. Saturday work for Sunday rest
84. Being on-time for church
85. Visiting spiritual family after a week of snow

If you would like to start counting blessing, catching sight of His love, head over to Holy Experience and join the gratitude community.


  1. A great list, Sarah. I especially liked the "short grocery list." :-)

  2. Being on time for church..l always love it when we are on time for church. As my girls grew up it was always so hard.
    A beautiful list!
