Monday, April 12, 2010

Trouble Will Come

Big black dog--excited--shoves boy on new unsteady legs into the refrigerator. He screams terror.
Dishes pile on sink.
Girl asks the hundredth question reworded again.
Mixer spins butter and milk sprays counters, drips from cart into toaster and crock-pot.
Needs and words collide and this introvert can't keep up.

When the bad seems to take over:
  • Make a pretty page.
  • Narrow those tasks.
  • Draw a happy flower.
  • Leave lots of room for the list.
  • Make sure a pen is always nearby.
  • Visit often. Stand still. Think and write.
On my pretty page today.
--missing the moon early this morning--
--going to the store for others, the gifts to be given--
--a good story that sticks--
--warranty periods on new-to-us trucks--
--the police officer who believed the truth: the speedometer didn't work--
--that officer's grace--
--her nap preparations--
--the way she is when life is slow--
--ibuprofen and re-wetting drops--
--little boy grins--
--the last can of formula--
--the way she grits her teeth love--
--kindness in anger, His Spirit working in me--
--her little feet with their big noise--
--chunky legs--
--the way he enjoys food--
--big black dogs who relish life under the kitchen table after dinner--
--his tail--

holy experience

1 comment:

  1. "--the police officer who believed the truth: the speedometer didn't work--
    --that officer's grace--"

    .....that is surely something to be grateful for! I enjoyed the way you formatted your list. Just lovely!
