Monday, April 1, 2013

Thank you, Jesus

So this was a crazy weekend.

We read the story of death, resurrection, and redemption on Friday when it hit me that we would spend both Saturday and Sunday embroiled in wonderful activity that would ultimately overshadow the story of our celebrations. Yeah, there is the part of me that would believe that we are bad Christians and bad Christian parents if we struggle to get the message on the right day, but, really, I'm exhausted by making life that difficult. And I'm exhausted with being exhausted by an easy yoke. Obviously, I've gotten something amiss in my faith, hunh? (Just so that you could get a glimpse of the breathlessness of the weekend and my exhaustion, I crafted the previous paragraph.)

Anyway, we celebrated both Easter and Simon's soon departure from year three with both sides of the family on two separate days. While squishing assisting with, or attending, a giant Easter party at church into Sunday morning.

As we were driving home last night, decompressing, we discussed that which we will do differently next year (no three year old understands pre-birthday parties, everyone gets the point of the celebrations confused.) But, for this year and these memories, I do not have a way to have done it differently. I'm going to walk slowly and gently through today-returning to our normal- with the memories, joys, and lessons of the weekend.

There just isn't a ton of time for regrets or the resulting sullen weariness of carrying them around.
This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. 
for He paid a terrible price that I may have this day with the freedom to rejoice, the power to be glad, and the grace to live with our mistakes.

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