Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bruder or Sisser

Yesterday we had our first home study meeting. Held at the Bethany offices in Pittsburgh, we dropped Abigail off with her Grammy for the afternoon and went on to the meeting. In two to three word phrases, Abigail expressed her understanding of the special date with Grammy.

Daddy car. . .black.
Mommy, Daddy meeting.
Bruder, sisser.

Earlier in the day she had a request: sisser, pwees.

The meeting went well. Our first home study and our social workers first home study. "Describe your mother. Describe your father." Sounds easy enough till you have to do it! We are excited. Our next meeting is April 7th and Abigail is invited.


  1. Glad it went well. I am putting April 7 on my calendar--I know Chris--I should send the calendar back, defective since April 7th wasn't on there already. I will be praying that God gives you the answers and that His love shines through both of you.

  2. Thank you all for sticking with us this far into our parenthood journey.

  3. That is fantastic, and oh so cute. Hunter and Gwen want a baby sister. Ha!!
