Abigail had her stitches removed on Tuesday. We had plans to go to the library and I thought library would distract from the horror of stitch removal. It worked even if the removal was worse than stitching her skin back together in the first place. I attribute it to the difference in nurses--on was gentle and kind, the other just man-handled us. (Sometimes I leave places and wish I was more abrasive, but alas.)
Abigail was all excited about getting her stitches out. . . until we pulled into the lot. The conversation went something like this:
A: I don't want get my stitches out.
M: I know, but they must come out. You were so brave last week.
A: But I don't want get my stitches out.
M: Remember how we prayed that Jesus would help you be brave and calm last week. He did, didn't He.
A: Mhhh. (affirmative grunt)
M: Would you like to pray that He will help you today.
A: Mhhh.
M: Jesus, thank you for being with me last week.
A: Jesus, tank you for being wiff me wast week.
M: Thank you for helping me be brave.
A: Tank you for halping me be bwrave.
M: Please help me be brave today.
A: Pwease halp me be bwrave today.
M: Please. . .
A: Please help me get candy. Anem. (cheesy grin)
M: Amen
Bravery and candy, who could ask for anything more? The bravery she got, the candy, not so much, remember the mean nurse.
That's so cute! Hope she gets well soon.