Thursday, December 1, 2011

Belated Birthday

Yesterday was Abigail's birthday. We lived yesterday, not that we aren't living today, but I didn't get a chance to post.
So, to my dear girl, Happy Sixth Birthday.

We did some shopping. She had the day off of chores and school (and but for the birthday lunch at Applebees she would have stayed in her pjs all day).  The wait-staff at Applebees sung to her and she opened two of her gifts there. She skipped Awana for cuddling on the couch with The Cosby Show. She sounded out the words she could in her new Bible.

It was a good day (in spite of a trip to the urgent care for her brother who was cranky with an ear infection).

I can hardly believe she is six. It feels like yesterday that she came to us, that I was holding a five and one half pound little body close to mine. So very grateful for the length of her days.

So many things have changed. She has grown tall and strong. She is compassionate and is beginning a quest to be funny, though I fear she will be more like her mother. She is thoughtful and wise for one so young. She runs and talks, dances, jumps and sings, asks questions that require prayer to answer. She so isn't a little baby anymore.

Definitely a little girl, many things have stayed the same. She still would rather do just about anything rather than eat. She remains intense and patient to try new things.

I had plans to write her a letter, but I find the words can't escape my heart. I can't find the words to tell her how proud I am to be her mother, how grateful I am that she was God's choice for us, how very much I love her. I lack words to express the utter delight I find in her life right now as she is becoming so much her very own person. I don't know how to write of my dreams for her, my deep desire for her to follow Christ with every part of her being, my excitement to see, to know, the woman she will become.

We ended the day by making shortbread and vanilla-maple milk and watching The Cosby Show. We read the Bible and prayed. We changed into pjs and sang and tucked her in. We are one-third of the way . . . and to a mother's heart this is bittersweet.

But how can one explain happy/sad tears mingling on a little girl's sixth birthday, so her dad and I will whisper of it all when we turn out the lights.

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