Friday, November 30, 2012

On Her Birthday

Dearest Abigail,

Today is your seventh birthday. I can't believe it has been that long.

We went to the zoo together. You wanted to see everything. You wanted to set the pace.

I kept watching you. Wondering at the time that has passed. The way there were days that I thought would never end, but they ended and I watch you racing toward the gate and then the escalator and then the animals, and I see that the years have raced too.

The day is bittersweet and filled with hope. We're getting more and more glances into your mind and heart, getting to know who you are. As we see you, we wonder at what He who created you created you to be. I am excited for you, and for us.

I have been dwelling on this Scripture recently.
And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.
Luke 2:52 
and it has become my prayer for you as you grow--that you will learn and learn to use your knowledge well, that you will be healthy and strong, that your heart will continually be leaning toward Him, your will bowing to His, and that you will be a respecter of as well as respected by all those around you.
I am so glad that you have been given to us, and we to you.

I love you,


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