Monday, November 12, 2007


For a day inThy courts is better than a thousand outside.
I would rather stand at the threshold of the house of my God,
Than dwell in the tents of wickedness.
Psalm 84:10

Last night, I thought I would sneak in a Psalm before bed. Before you get all impressed, that was the entirity of my quiet time as it is most days Chris is home. And really it was a response to guilt as I thought about reading something else first. But I digress.

Last night, I thought I would sneak in a Psalm before bed. I flopped open the frayed Bible that lives in my headboard night nook wondering how many more flops the poor book had in it and found myself on the pages holding Psalm 82 about judgement on Isreal-reject before bed, Psalm 83 asking God to please kill my enemies-don't feel surrounded by enemies tonight, reject, and Psalm 84.

I picked Psalm 84 and as I was reading this song of praise, I hit upon that oft-quoted verse, Better a day in the house of the Lord than a thousand outside and I was tempted to read quickly over it. But the not so oft-quoted "B" part of the verse gave me pause. "I would rather stand at the threshold of the house of my God, than dwell in the tents of the wicked." What a picture of love and devotion to the Lord.

In the threshold of the house of God. Homeless, exposed to the weather, beating sun, biting cold, driving rain, hunger, thirst, alone but close to God. In the tents of the wicked. Warm, protected from the elements, well-fed, entertained, wealthy but far from Him. Oh how tempting it is at times to count the "blessings" of living outside His will instead of leaning on the enduring promises that are the threshold of His house. How tempting to enumerate the sufferings that accompany following His footsteps instead of rejoicing in His invitation to follow.

Lord God, today fill me with the joy of being in your courts. Let all I do today sing praise to you for you have drawn me to your house. Let me join the song "better is a day in your house than a thousand outside". Amen

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