Tuesday, June 22, 2010

On Retreat

I went to a ladies' retreat this past weekend. I will write more about how it was later. But I wanted to share some of the words that came throughout the weekend.

Ok, Daddy, prepare for the boobies. As she was changing clothes in the kitchen, because the kitchen is always the best place to change clothes.

Going to cabelas. Be back soon! Texted before they left on their way to the store about 75 minutes away.

Your son is maddening. @ Eat 'N' Park. Texted to me as Simon threw pancakes and fruit all over the Eat 'N' Park.

Simon tried to climb off my shoulders and into the other stall.
I didn't think through taking her to the bathroom with him. A reflection on the difficulties of keeping Simon in the stall with them while Abigail used the potty in addition to the challenge of keeping an inquisitive 4.5 year old's eyes averted in a public restroom designated for the opposite sex.

I may not fold the laundry. . .texted Friday before going to Cabelas.
Where are Simon's shorts? Texted Saturday morning.

Really they had a wonderful weekend. Driving talking, cars, guns, taxidermied animals, Barbies, lots of Barbie time, making dinner. I am so glad Chris decided to keep them with him, by himself.

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